
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Summer Run Streaking and ROLLING IN THE ROCKET CITY 5k!


This teacher and coach has finished her 6th year of teaching, and like I always tell people, teachers EARN their summers off! Our job is never done during the months of August-May! 

Summer is a time for me to reflect on the past school year, get my much deserved rest, complete things on my "to do" list that never gets accomplished during the school year, spending time with family and friends, and of course having "me" time that I rarely have when I'm working. I have already done a lot of that so far, and I will continue to make that happen this summer!
The Harvest Elementary Running Club at the Outrun Hunger 5k! 

Some of the BEST coaching help a girl could have! 


As of today, I made it to day 25 of my run streak, which I am super proud of, and I am feeling great! 

My running route from today. Day 25 is feeling good & I'm getting stronger! 

A run streak is when you pledge to run every day, at least one mile a day. In 2016, I tried to accomplish a  run streak from Thanksgiving to Christmas, but I only made to day 14 due to plantar fasciitis. MAN OH MAN I AM STILL SO THANKFUL THAT CONSTANT FOOT PAIN IS A THING OF THE PAST (read my previous blog on tips and items that made my pain go away).

Needless to say, this run streak is going great. To be honest, I've never been a runner that runs every day, even during marathon training times I normally run around 3-4 times a week. I had a couple of reasons why I started the run streak. One reason was I needed to find that motivation again. After running the New Orleans Half (March), Oak Barrel Half (April), and then the Viola Valley Half that I almost DNF'd (May), I needed to find my motivation to run again. I thought that signing up for these races would help me get motivated (half marathons are my favorite), but that love for running that I once had was gone. I missed the joy from running, and I wanted to find it again because plantar fasciitis has plagued me on and off for two years.  Even though my foot pain was gone and I wanted to run, my anxiety to getting back into running along with joining running groups and friends again made me a nervous wreck. I knew I wasn't as consistent and fast (well, fast for me anyway) as I once was, and I figured a run a day, even when it's a single mile, would help me get back into that routine. I told my husband about it because I know he would keep me accountable, and I've documented my run streak days on Strava so I could even seek my friends to keep me encouraged and motivated. 

Mountain Mania 15k. The struggle was real! 

Things that I have learned from my Run Steak so far.....

1) I learned a lot about self discipline and a positive growth mindset. I had to apply it every day to make this run streak happen. At the beginning of the streak, running every day felt odd and even uncalled for (haha!) but now it's just habit that at least a mile has to happen every day and I would feel weird if it didn't! 

2) It doesn't matter how fast or slow the miles are (especially in the summer in Alabama when it is so hot and humid), just get out there and make it happen. There has NOT been one run so far during my run streak that I have regretted or I think I shouldn't have attempted. HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE! 

3) There are SMART ways to run streak without getting injured! Don't overdue it. On your normal rest days, run a mile instead of 3 miles or 5 miles. Listen to your body. Here is a great article from Runner's World that can help you get started along with other great links provided! 7 Tips for a Successful #RWRunStreak

4) Once again, I have learned that I am a lot stronger than I think I am. I have seen my pace consistency improve, and I have also seen my speed improve. I am not where I want to be, but I know I will get there.

5) Running with friends and signing up for races make the streak fun and also changing up your routes so you aren't doing the same thing all the time. Also, make sure you have those solo runs too where you need to challenge yourself or just have a rest day of 1 to 3 miles. 

6) While we are on the subject of runs, change up the type of running workouts. Have days for speed work, tempo, hills, long runs, track, treadmills, easy paced one milers, etc! 

7) If you feel tired, even if you have a scheduled run of longer than a mile, listen to your body and run that solo mile at a comfortable pace. It's not worth getting injured! Also, I'm no doctor, but stop the streak at any time that you feel like it will make you sidelined from's not worth it!


I am going to keep this streak going for as long as I can; I'm not sure if I can keep it up during the school year, but we shall see because so far, so good!


For those that know me, Ainsley's Angels of Northeast Alabama has been near and dear to my heart for a LONG time! Here is my first time racing with them 3 years ago!

 And here are some more memories...

Our first official race as the Northeast Alabama Chapter: BIG 5k 2015

To now....Cotton Row 2018! 

I know in my blog that I mentioned "motivation" earlier and how I needed help finding it. Every time, Ainsley's Angels reminds me that I don't HAVE to run, I GET to run, and that every run is a gift. I have met wonderful people through this organization. I love how each angel runner, angel rider, and angel guardian has a story, and I am so thankful that we are in this racing journey together. Mitch and Connie Tiffany are our ambassadors for our chapter, and their love and passion for what they do for our chapter is truly a blessing! 

Rolling in the Rocket City 5k
When? Saturday, June 30th
Start Time? 8:00 a.m.
Where? AEGIS Technologies in Research Park, Huntsville, AL
CLICK HERE to register for the 5k! USE CODE "DAD" for $3 off this weekend!

You can sign up to help push (become an Angel Runner!) or you can sign up to run solo...either way is just fine! Also, if you know anyone that would LOVE to be an Angel Rider, they can register at You can learn more about us here too! 

MISSION STATEMENT: In addition to ensuring everyone can experience endurance events, Ainsley's Angels of America aims to build awareness about America's special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. Serving as advocates to providing education and participating as active members in local communities, we believe everyone deserves to be included.

You will not want to miss this event. Whether you show up to run, ride, or volunteer, you will have an an amazing start to your day! You won't be disappointed! 

I hope everyone has a great rest of your weekend. Go for a might change your life! :-) 

-Holly :) 

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